If you take the Angel Room path, you've got to gamble with the odds of finding an Angel Room in the first place and having the bombs required to blow up the statues and get the key. Two reasons for this, Mega Satan is a gamble, it's not like the other check list bosses in the game where you can get to them simply by either being fast enough or choosing the correct path, there is a level of RNG involved. Sure The Lost's method was a little annoying, but at least it only took you 4 'successful' runs, rather than maybe 100.įinally, and my biggest issue, adding Mega Satan to the post-it notes. Not to mention an extremely tedious unlocking method if you want to do it legitimately. No flight, no devil deals, slow as hell speed and a slow triple shot that does more harm than good. I don't get the logic of improving The Lost and making him genuinely fun if you're going to add a character that is even less fun to play as. Third, PILLS! Remember when taking pills was fun and wasn't a gamble of a literal ton of neutral pills that aren't adding anything to your run and mean you can get a small extra boost or kick to your run.įourth, Keeper. I know some people might disagree here but personally, the scaling health wasn't a good idea to me, they make them tedious to go through no matter what build you have, rather than a fun fight that might take skill to get past or you can blast through to show how OP you are. Flooded has an issue of being much harder than its counterpart, similar to the Cellar for Basement, giving us enemies like the flooded worms and thing that spits out said worms that aren't really fun to fight. Burning Basement because if darkness is in effect, it's a genuine struggle to see what you're doing and strains my eyes.

I feel like these floors are more frustrating that they should be. Afterbirth and the additions it put in the game in my opinion are more harmful to the overall fun of the game than good.įirst, the changed floors, specifically Burning Basement and Flooded Caves. So, Afterbirth has been out for quite a while now, and I've played a ton of it, at least 50 hours if not more. So, I'll say right off the bat here, this isn't a positive look on Afterbirth, so I'll start this by saying, if you like Afterbirth, more power to you! I can appreciate the points I'm gonna bring up aren't everyone's views, but maybe some will also agree with me, who knows.